Ivím Health GLP-1 Medication
Injection Instructions
© Copyright Ivím Health. 2024. All rights reserved.
This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to inject and administer subcutaneous injections for GLP-1 medications. Whether you're wondering where to inject your medication in your thigh or abdomen, we've got you covered.
We'll walk you through the entire process, from preparing your medication to selecting the right injection site and using proper technique. You'll learn about dosing protocols, best practices for rotating injection sites, and tips for minimizing discomfort.
Our goal is to ensure you feel confident and comfortable with your GLP-1 medication regimen, whether you're new to these treatments or looking to refine your injection technique. Remember, while these instructions are thorough, always follow your Ivím Health provider's specific instructions and guidance for your personalized treatment plan.
Step-by-Step GLP-1 injection instruction guide
What's in your package
When you receive your shipment, you should find:
- Compounded GLP Medication vial or pen dependent on your prescription
- Insulin syringes or injectable pen
- Alcohol pads

Before you begin
Check the "Beyond Use Date" (BUD) on your GLP-1 medication vial. This determines how long your medication remains effective:
- If using an injectable pen, refer to the instructions that are inside your prescription box
- For syringes, check the unit markings to match the prescribed dosage or in your Ivím Health mobile app
- It's important to check the date on each medication vial or pen and to not inject any medication beyond the “Beyond Use Date”
1. Wash your hands and prepare the injection site
After washing your hands, choose between two common injection sites:
- Abdominal fat
- Front or side of the thigh
- Clean the chosen area with an alcohol pad and let it dry.
- Rotate your injection site weekly.
2. Prepare the medication
- Clean the top of the medication vial with a new alcohol pad.
- Pull the syringe plunger back slightly to draw in a small amount of air.
- Insert the needle into the vial and inject the air.
- Invert the vial and withdraw the prescribed required units of medication.
- Get rid of any air bubbles by tapping the syringe and putting slight pressure on the plunger until a drop of medication appears at the tip of the needle.
3. Prepare the injection site
- Clean the chosen injection site with alcohol, allow area to dry
- Pinch small bulge of tissue
- Insert needle at a 90 degree angle until the needle is completely submerged
- Apply gentle pressure on the syringe
- Immediately remove the needle
- Apply gentle pressure to the injection site with a cotton ball if any bleeding occurs
GLP-1 medication
injection tips
How to inject GLP-1 medications:
For injectable pens, always refer to the instructions provided in your prescription box to ensure you're following proper injection instructions. Follow the steps above for medication vials, and rotate injection sites weekly, usually in the abdomen or thigh.
Injection instructions for GLP-1 medications in the abdomen:
For abdominal injections of your GLP-1 medication, choose a spot in the soft, fatty tissue at least 2 inches from your navel. Clean the area, pinch the skin, insert the needle at a 90-degree angle, and slowly inject the medication, rotating sites with each dose. For injectable pens, follow the injection guidelines provided in your prescription box.
Injection instructions for GLP-1 medications in the thigh:
When injecting in the thigh, select the front or outer area of your thigh. Aim for the middle third of the thigh, staying at least 4 inches above the knee and 4 inches below the hip. Avoid any areas with visible veins, scars, or bruises. Clean the chosen spot, pinch a fold of skin, and inject at a 90-degree angle. Remember to rotate injection sites between thighs and abdomen weekly. However, if you are prescribed an injectable pen, follow the injection instructions provided in your prescription box.
GLP-1 medication injection technique video:
For visual guidance on how to inject your GLP-1 medication, view our injection instructional video above. This video provides a step-by-step guide to ensure you’re using the correct technique.
For most GLP-1 medications the injection process remains similar. Always follow your healthcare provider's specific instructions for dosing and administration.
Need Help Injecting Your Medication?
If you have questions about your GLP-1 injections, don't hesitate to contact your healthcare provider or support@ivimhealth.com. We're here to support you on your weight loss journey.
Need Help Injecting Your Medication?
If you have questions about your GLP-1 injections, don't hesitate to contact your healthcare provider or support@ivimhealth.com. We're here to support you on your weight loss journey.