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Zepbound® (tirzepatide) and Compounded Tirzepatide Dosage Charts: A Comprehensive Guide 

Man taking tirzepatide medication for weight loss in his kitchen

Zepbound® (tirzepatide) and Compounded Tirzepatide Dosage Charts: A Comprehensive Guide 

If you’re considering tirzepatide for weight loss, understanding correct dosing guidelines is crucial to achieving optimal results while minimizing side effects. You may know tirzepatide by its brand name Zepbound®. Let’s explore Zepbound® (tirzepatide) and compounded tirzepatide and how each could help you on your weight loss journey.

Understanding Tirzepatide 

Tirzepatide, the active ingredient in the brand-name medications Zepbound® and Mounjaro®, is a member of the GLP-1 receptor agonist drug class. Currently, tirzepatide is only commercially available as a prescription brand-name medication.  

Before starting any weight loss journey with Zepbound® (tirzepatide), thorough research is essential. Understanding how tirzepatide dosing works, its potential side effects, and its compatibility with any health condition is crucial. This knowledge ensures that the dosing schedule, recommended dosage, and potential benefits align with your specific needs. 

The Importance of Correct Zepbound® (tirzepatide) Dosage 

Zepbound® (tirzepatide) has gained popularity due to its effectiveness in weight loss. However, achieving optimal results requires adherence to the recommended doses. Incorrect dosing can lead to a lack of weight loss results or unwanted side effects.  

Zepbound® (tirzepatide)  Dosage Chart 

 Zepbound® (tirzepatide) dosing should be tailored to each individual and their unique health needs. A detailed dosage chart for weight loss could look like: 

Initial Phase 

During the initial phase, a lower dose of 2.5 mg once a week is recommended. This allows the body to adjust to the medication and helps identify potential side effects early on. This initial dose sets the foundation for the treatment and ensures that the body can tolerate Zepbound® (tirzepatide) effectively. 

 Adjustment Phase 

After the initial phase, the dose is usually increased to 5 mg once a week for 4 weeks, followed by a second increase to 7.5 mg once a week. This adjustment phase is crucial as it helps to increase the effectiveness of the treatment. Monitoring during this phase ensures that the body continues to respond well to the medication. The adjustment phase lasts for about 4 to 8 weeks, depending on individual response and tolerance. 

Continuing Therapy & Maintenance Phase 

Once the desired weight loss is achieved, the dosage may be further adjusted to maintain results. Maintenance doses vary based on individual needs and healthcare provider recommendations. This phase ensures that the weight loss is sustained over time. 

Step-up Therapy & Maintenance Phase 

Some patients require higher doses of the medication to achieve optimal results.  This must be carefully evaluated to avoid side effects at these higher doses, so your medical provider will weigh the risk/benefit of these doses based on your weight loss and side effects with the lower dosages.  After discussion with their provider, patients may be escalated to higher doses like 12.5mg or 15mg, depending upon their individual health and wellness goals. Patients requiring these higher dosages may consider maintaining these dosage strengths for extended periods of time with their medical provider. 

The Difference Between  Zepbound® (tirzepatide) and Compounded Tirzepatide 

Zepbound® (tirzepatide), along with diet and exercise, is approved by the FDA for the treatment of obesity.  In some instances, healthcare providers may recommend compounded tirzepatide as an alternative. These could include cases where a patient needs a specialized formulation, encounters insurance obstacles for the branded version or faces difficulty obtaining the medication due to local supply issues or cost. Compounded tirzepatide is not FDA approved and does not have the same efficacy and safety data as FDA approved medications.  

Compounding pharmacies are, however, subject to FDA and state regulation and must follow specific safety measures and maintain appropriate testing data on all compounded products to maintain state licensure and ensure patient safety. Compounded medications also offer certain advantages including allowing for patient-specific formulations, may be more widely available during the event of a drug shortage, and offer greater customization of dosing titration protocols on a per patient basis. 

As with any medication, the decision to use compounded tirzepatide should be made in consultation with a qualified healthcare professional to determine the proper compounded tirzepatide dosage. 

What Is Compounded Tirzepatide? 

Healthcare professionals may sometimes recommend compounded tirzepatide because of the potential to customize the medication prepared by compounding pharmacies. This tailored approach may allow for more flexibility in dosing and the potential to combine the tirzepatide dosage with other medications. Such personalization aims to address specific patient requirements and potentially enhance weight loss results.  

Compounded Tirzepatide Dosage Chart 

Just like with Zepbound® (tirzepatide), compounded tirzepatide dosing should be personalized for each patient throughout their weight loss treatment. Below is an example of a compounded tirzepatide dosage chart for weight loss: 

If recommended, your healthcare provider will prescribe a personalized dosage plan, often starting with a lower dose and gradually increasing it over time. Regular follow-ups will be scheduled to monitor your progress and adjust the dosage as needed. Remember to maintain open communication with your healthcare provider throughout your treatment as this is crucial for you to maximize success on your holistic weight loss journey. 

Potential Side Effects 

Like any medication, Zepbound® (tirzepatide) and compounded tirzepatide may have side effects. Some more common side effects reported have been nausea, diarrhea, and appetite suppression. Monitor your reactions to the medication and as always, reach out to your healthcare provider if you experience any severe reactions. Understanding these potential side effects allows for better preparation and management. 

Personalized Approach 

Beginning your  Zepbound® (tirzepatide) or compounded tirzepatide treatment begins with understanding your unique health profile. Every individual’s medical history, existing conditions, and current medications can affect how this medication works. By consulting a healthcare provider and reviewing a tirzepatide dosage chart together, you can develop a personalized dosing plan.  

This approach helps ensure both safety and effectiveness, maximizing potential benefits while minimizing risks associated with your treatment. The tailored weight loss experience Ivím Health offers focuses on your individual needs and goals, to help you achieve better results. 

Consulting Healthcare Professionals for Zepbound® (tirzepatide) Dosage For Weight Loss 

A qualified healthcare professional is a vital step in this process and can provide valuable insights into the dosing schedule, recommended dosage, and potential benefits. Learning about possible side effects helps you know what to expect and how to handle any problems that might come up while taking weight loss medication.  

Each person’s health profile is unique, and certain medical conditions or medications may interact with  Zepbound® (tirzepatide). Consulting with your healthcare provider and referring to a Zepbound® (tirzepatide) dosing chart together is an essential step in ensuring you are utilizing the medication appropriately to have excellent results while minimizing side effects.  If you experience side effects of the medication, you should discuss this with your healthcare provider who may discuss alternative options or methods of managing these side effects. 

Safe and Effective Weight Loss with  Zepbound® (tirzepatide) or Compounded Tirzepatide 

  • Start with a Lower Dose : A lower dose may initially be recommended by your healthcare professional to see how you react to the medication. This helps in managing any initial side effects and sets a solid foundation for increasing the dose. 
  • Gradual Increase : Gradually increase the dose to enhance effectiveness. This step-by-step approach ensures that your body adapts well to the medication. 
  • Monitor for Side Effects : Report any side effects and communicate with your healthcare provider. Promptly addressing any adverse reactions ensures a smoother weight loss journey. 
  • Personalized Dosing Plan : Work with your healthcare provider to tailor the dosing plan to your specific health needs. This personalized approach maximizes the benefits while minimizing potential risks. 


Beginning a weight loss journey with  Zepbound® (tirzepatide) or compounded tirzepatide involves a well-informed approach that Ivím Health fully supports and integrates into our members’ holistic care.  By conducting thorough research, understanding the tirzepatide dosage charts, and working together with a qualified healthcare provider, you may increase the benefits of  Zepbound® (tirzepatide) or compounded tirzepatide therapy while minimizing potential risks. 

Zepbound® and Mounjaro® are registered trademarks of Eli Lily. Ivím Health is not affiliated with Eli Lily and the compounded tirzepatide products available as part of Ivim Health’s weight loss programs are not made by Eli Lily or any company affiliated with Eli Lily. 

Reviewed by: Dr. Jessica Cortazzo, MD, Ivím Health Medical Director